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Polaroid I-2 Camera - Set the Scene for Landscape & Architecture

In bringing landscape and architecture to life with your I-2, it’s all about light and angles. Read on.

1- In Aperture Priority mode select a small aperture (e.g. ƒ/64 or ƒ/45) by turning the selection dial. The right shutter speed is set by the camera when aimed at your subject.

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2- If you are in a low light environment, you might see a "shaking hand" symbol in the viewfinder telling you the shutter speed is too slow and there might be movement during the exposure. Either put the camera on a tripod or a steady surface to make sure the photo isn’t blurry. You don't need to use the flash as the flash range won't be powerful enough to fully expose large areas.

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3- Try experimenting by shooting into the light to create a lens flare that leaves your subject in shadow. You can turn the EV dial to +1 to compensate for this. For even more control, select Manual mode and play with the settings for the correct exposure.

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